By The Flying Pinto

It was one year ago today I started my blog, this blog…Theflyingpinto.com. My blog started out as a hobby, a way for me to “talk” without my husband having to listen to everything I had to say about work….I’m kind of like a five year old who comes home from school and doesn’t leave out one single detail of the day: ) So I came home from work last April 1, and started writing about meeting Christopher Gardner which you can read by clicking here on my first post….. The Flight of Happyness.

It’s been a fun year and I think I’ve come a long way! I’m really enjoying the community of bloggers I’ve come to know and others who find interest in my world. It is also exciting that I’ve been asked to contribute to a new online magazine, Esacpes Magazine. Don’t forget to sign up for your free subscription, it will be out April 15!

I have a lot of ideas for my blog. My plan over the next year is to:

  • keep up with the Wednesday Q&A…..thanks QzakGirl for the suggestion!
  • add a weekly post on “keeping fit” while traveling. I plan to collaborate with my personal trainer husband on this.
  • post short, easy travel tips daily.
  • add vlogging (video blog) possibly share parts of my layovers with you, show you some of the sights!
  • share stories about airline related people that I find inspiring.

I am loving all the feed back, you’ve been great with the comments and e-mails. Please let know your thoughts and suggestions on what you would like to see more of or if you have any other suggestions, please email me at [email protected]

I want to thank all of you for taking an interest, and say, “Happy Anniversary, to TheFlyingPinto.com!!



  1. Congrats on one year. It feels like such an accomplishment, and only dedicated bloggers really can understand. June 8 will be my 5 year Bloggoversary, and my 500th post will be sometime in April. I’ve had varying times that my blogging is frequent, and one year I think I only posted once or twice.

    Looking forward to your upcoming features!

  2. Although I discovered your blog not too long ago, I find it really interesting and fascinating. So…. Congratulations!!!!

    Looking forward to reading all your new adventures!!

  3. QzakGirl @ 2009-04-02 14:14

    Happy Anniversary!
    Sounds like you’ve got some great plans….and you’re welcome! 🙂

  4. BlkAv8tor2003 @ 2009-04-02 17:55

    Happy Anniversary!!! It’s great how a hobby turns into so much more! Changes show growth and I’m looking forward to seeing what’s coming in your future! It sounds exciting! I’ll keep an eye out and don’t have too much fun on your layovers…someone might think your enjoying yourself way too much and get jealous(no names mentioned)! lol

    Be Safe and Keep The Blue Side Up!!!


  5. Happy one years blogging

  6. In_Flight @ 2009-04-03 14:31

    Mazel Tov! You’re blog is great.

  7. In_Flight @ 2009-04-03 14:33

    I meant to say “your” not “you’re”. To many early morning shifts this week.

  8. Aviatrix @ 2009-04-03 19:25

    Conblogulations. You’re a worthy addition to the blogosphere.

    Amusingly, the verification word is “unmen”. That’s us, eh?

  9. camerapilot @ 2009-04-04 03:05

    You have a good eye FP and a good heart.

  10. The Flying Pinto @ 2009-04-04 03:28

    CP….I was wondering where you’ve been: ) Thank You, I appreciate compliments coming from you!

    Nicole, congrats and thank you.

    Albert, Thanks and keep the good questions coming!

    Qzakgirl…Thank You!

    BA…I’ll try not to have too much fun, you know we have training classes going through…not sure we’re hiring at the moment but maybe worth a look? Thank you, for following and your blog: )

    Thanks Mr, Stu!

    In Flight, Thank you! and you don’t have to worry about me and grammar but my friend Aviatrix might give you a hard time;-)

    Aviatrix…thank you, means a lot coming from you!I can’t believe the verification word was unmen, too funny!!

  11. camerapilot @ 2009-04-04 18:21

    Hi FP!
    Work swallowed me up again so I won’t be around for awhile.
    Get ready to see several Star Trek commercials in the coming weeks and about a year from now you all will be seeing an Ironman sequel.
    If I say anymore I shall be “sleeping with da fishes”.

  12. flying mum @ 2009-04-04 20:35

    Congrats on your 1 year! I’m so glad to have found your blog…it’s fun to read other FA’s perspectives on things. 🙂

  13. Congrats! You do such a good blog!!