By The Flying Pinto

This weeks Crew Brief is with Rita, also known as binhog737 over at Twitter. We have a great group of Flight Attendants at Twitter…come on over and join the conversation! Rita also has a web site displaying her luggage handle wraps…she has a great selection…check them out and make your bag unique from the sea of black bags out there!

Ok, here’s this weeks Brief…enjoy!

The Flying Pinto: What is your story? How long have you been flying? What did you do prior?

Rita: When I was 25, my husband of one and half years, died after falling into an abandoned mineshaft 100 feet. My life and what I thought I wanted to do changed forever.

I was working for the US Postal Service at the time at a remote encoding center. I basically just typed at a computer all day. It was a career government job that I was content with, but I knew I did not want to type mail forever. I decided to take some prerequisite nursing classes and go to nursing school. A coworker suggested I work for Southwest Airlines as a flight attendant. She said her Dad was a Captain there and was trying to get her to apply. I said, “What? A flight attendant? I don’t think so. What do they do anyways?” She just laughed and said that SWA was hiring and I should apply because I would be good at it. So, after finding out about what FAs really do, I decided to go to the group interview. I really didn’t care if I got the job – I had a good job already and I was planning to get my RN license. Three weeks and four interviews later SWA called with my training date. They explained that I did not have a job unless I passed the initial inflight training. Hmmm, quit my boring, monotonous, stable job to go to flight attendant training with no guarantee of a job? OK! So, November 1999 I flew on the luv jet to Dallas for barbie boot camp. I think my parents nearly went into cardiac arrest when I told them what I was doing, but they’re happy now. They enjoy using their unlimited pass benefits. I love my job and I love Southwest. I am very blessed.

FP: Wow Rita, you really took such a valuable lesson from such a big loss and decided to be happy and give something you probably would have never thought to a try. You are an inspiration! I’ll bet you have helped many people without even knowing it.

I love the flexibility of our job what do you love about ? What keeps you flying?

Rita: The time off and the flexibility. We are able give away all our trips if we want, pick up as much as we want (as long as we get our mandatory FAA 24 hour break in 7 days). We have unlimited trading with open time and other flight attendants. We can also do jetway trades with other flight attendants in any city. The time off allows me to go to most of my two step kid’s soccer games and tournaments, work my side business making embroidered luggage handle wraps , and sit on the couch and twitter. Ha ha. What keeps me flying? First, being able to move my schedule around so freely. Second, being able to meet great coworkers and customers. Yes, sometimes you get some bad apples on flights, but most of our customers are great. I don’t always have time for long chats, but I like finding out their stories.

FP: I love your luggage handle wraps: ) What kind of schedule do you hold, what kind of trips do you like to fly?

Rita: I am based in Las Vegas, but usually fly out of Phoenix. So, I normally give all my LAS trips away and pick up PHX trips. I do the SEA-PHX commute. Yes, the OAK & LAS bases are closer to SEA. But, I’m from PHX and my family and friends are there, I have a car there, and I can stay the night with my family or friends anytime I want. Once in a while I’ll fly a commutable LAS trip. I am able to hold weekday 3-day trips Tues-Thurs a.m. trips. I am a die hard a.m. flier! Most a.m. flights are on time and drama-free. Like a lot of FAs I try to hold lines with low legs, since they are more productive – less boardings , less time for the FWD entry door to be open = more pay. However, I don’t usually hold the trips with low legs. I’m getting used to the Texas two-step and the California shuffle.

FP: That’s great that you get to fit in visiting family while working…and it doesn’t hurt that you have a place to stay: ) What is your biggest passenger pet peeve? Crew pet peeve?

Rita: Customers with their electronic devices on after the FWD entry door has been closed. Some people don’t understand that the ENTIRE device needs to be turned off until we reach 10,000 feet. They think because it’s in airplane mode it can still be on. I always get the “It IS off” but they keep on texting or whatever. I have to politely explain what off really means. I don’t make the rules, I just ask that you comply. 🙂 My crew pet peeve? When an FA brings 4-5 bags on a trip!!! They’ve got their roller bag, carry on bag, small tote bag, lunch bag, back pack and purse/messenger bag. For Pete’s sake, do ya really need all that stuff? We call it their “Winnebago” – once they have it all hooked together it looks like they are pulling a huge Winnebago.

FP: That’s one of my passenger pet peeves too…I love when they tell me,”IT IS OFF!!” …and clearly it is on. I wonder, do I look that stupid? As you know I’ve had some strange happenings on my flights, what is the most bizarre thing you have seen on a flight?

Rita: A passenger punched his wife in the face with a closed fist right in front of me. Later on during the same flight a lady passed out on me in the back galley. So, not only did we have cops meeting the plane, we had the fire dept. there, too. After spending two hours at the airport police station giving my statement, I vowed never to work another p.m. trip unless forced by crew scheduling.

FP: OMG! He punched her? I’ve never had that happen. You’re right, less drama in the a.m. but I can’t get going that early: ) What can we find in your carry on?

Rita: Being a commuter, I hate lugging too many bags. I have a roller bag and my ebags lunch tote. In my roller I have my running shoes, socks, undies, a workout outfit, a pair of shorts, two t-shirts, flip flops, laptop, phone/cpu charger, toiletries, and some of my luggage handle wraps to sell to the crew. In my ebag lunch tote I have my food in main compartment and other essentials in the side compartments (FA manual, keys, phone etc.).

FP: I love that ebag cooler/lunch tote! I think we all have it now. Can we find you at the hotel bar or are you a slam clicker?

Rita: I’m a little of both. Sometimes I’m at the hotel bar for the “crew debrief.” Mostly, I just want to decompress in my room and watch a movie, read a book, catch up on email, or get on twitter.

FP: I agree, I’m very excited when the layover hotel has free wifi: ) What is your favorite vacation destination?

Rita: I went to Whistler B.C. last summer and loved it! I haven’t done any travel across the pond, but I’m hoping my husband and I will do some international flying in the next couple of years.

FP: That’s right SW doesn’t fly internationally…yes, you must get across the pond! Take your hubby to Italy…uber romantic;-) Speaking of your hubby…how does your spouse/partner feel about you flying?

Rita: He has no problem with it at all. This is the only job I’ve had since we’ve been together so doesn’t know any different. He’s a police officer, so when I’m flying he tries to work his off-duty or overtime. Plus, I fly when he’s working so we can maximize our days off together. When the weather is nice we like to take his Harley out for a spin.

FP: What is your best travel tip?

Rita: Bring earplugs or music. It’s a great way to drown out those screaming babies, people that talk extra loud, or DVD players being used without headsets. Also, bring a sweater or light jacket!!! Most of the flying public knows that airplanes can get cold. It drives me nuts when people get on the plane wearing shorts, tank top, and flip flops and then complain because we don’t have blankets anymore.

Thanks, Rita! I really enjoyed your answers and I love tweeting with you!

(If you are a FA and you want to get briefed e-mail me, tweet me or leave a comment)



  1. The Friendly Skies @ 2009-08-14 04:26

    love the crew brief! I love finding out about other Flight Attendants. 🙂

  2. calidreaminp @ 2009-08-14 06:46

    love it!! Binhog you are a doll! Love the Winnebago thing and couldn't live without my e-bags lunch tote!! Thanks again flyingpinto for the briefs…look forward to it every week!

  3. Joanna Jenkins @ 2009-08-14 22:05

    I learn so much from the crew briefs. THANKS to both of you!

  4. lisleman @ 2009-08-15 04:49

    good format to learn some of the behind the scenes. Of course some of the lingo is a bit confusing.

    Hey I was just wondering, given the changes over the years with jobs and PC terms, do you still get called stewardesses sometimes? And if it is said in a nice way, does it bother you? I'm very used to the FA term but still remember my very first flight had "stewardesses".

  5. The Flying Pinto @ 2009-08-18 03:33

    Thanks everyone!

    Lisleman: I'll keep an eye on the lingo and translate when necessary. I'll use your question in an upcoming Q&A post, thanks!