By The Flying Pinto

Dear Santa,

I was reading Heather’s wish list over at Galley Gossip and I would like everything on her list plus:

  1. Boingo– I’d like Boingo Unlimited. It’s been nice that Boingo is free at many airports this month and I’m not sure I can live without it come next month when they go back to charging.
  2. A Driver– I love to be driven to and from the airport when I start a trip. In the airline world this is called “Princess Parking.” I am lucky, Mr. FP drives me 80% of the time but I would love a service for the other 20%. (It’s a wish list;-)
  3. An airport club membershipWe are allowed to belong, we just can’t show up in uniform. It’s a handy thing to have as a non-rev (non-revenue passenger/stand by)…there are some long days spent at airports. It’s a great gift for a commuter too. I’ll take a Presidents Club Membership, please: )
  4. iSqueeze calf and foot massager from BrookstoneActually, I would love one in every hotel room!
  5. A House CleanerNot because I’m being spoiled, but, because the house is NEVER the way I left it when I come home from a multiple day trip.
  6. Pantyhose of the month clubOk, there isn’t one but Silkies.com does offer membership and they deliver at the same time every month…close enough! FAs go through stockings too fast, that’s why I prefer tights. I can throw them in the wash and they last a lot longer…I think they look better with the polyester too.
  7. Power Mat– A portable charging mat, perfect for travel. Lets you charge all your devices in one spot…no more cords to carry around…or in my case lose!
  8. Travel Clothes– I’m always looking for just the right travel clothes. I want to look nice but I definitely want to be comfortable. For me there is nothing worse than being cold on the airplane and since most airlines have removed the blankets (not that I would use one anyway) this sweater/jacket is looking real nice from Chicos.
  9. Versastick– Because it is exercise gear that travels…and soon after the holidays will be the New Year Resolutions!
  10. A suitcase for Lucybecause my favorite travel companion’s clothes are crowding my suitcase and she loves to pull the “too big for her” suitcase. Also, a membership to “Little Passports” should be on your young world travelers list..it’s on Lucy’s!

There’s my list, would love to hear what’s on your travel gift list.



  1. It is Wednesday, so time for my question now that my life seems to be a little slower 🙂

    When you drive yourself to the airport, do you have to park at the same places than the general public and pay the outrageously expensive parking rates? Or do you have some sort of employee parking deal or even free parking?

  2. Never in the shape you left it, eh? You mean it's clean when you come back?


    Kevin (running, ducking, and hiding)

  3. Joanna Jenkins @ 2009-12-10 05:14

    Nice list! I'd like one of those massage things in every hotel room too! That looks awesome.

    Hope your holidays a GREAT Sarah.


  4. Oh you make me laugh…
    -A driver would be F/A heaven for sure, never liked coming home to a dark parking lot…
    -cleaning lady…absolutely, I had one when I flew..your off time is valuable!
    -a couple of things that "senior" girls told me early on, that I have always been grateful for…
    -support hose (when you get to be my age, you'll be glad)
    -underwire bra (same general idea)
    -fake jewelry on trips (if you take yours off at night like I do, it saves your sanity)
    thank you for reminding me how much fun it was…smiles.

  5. Excellent list–especially the Silkies.com! I've moved to the microfiber tights and don't think I'll ever go back.

    Happy holidays!

  6. upupandagay @ 2009-12-15 17:37

    I would like #5 myself, please!

  7. The Flying Pinto @ 2009-12-25 05:06

    Thanks everyone for the thoughts and comments;-) Albert I haven't forgotten your question..maybe we'll use it on the podcast! If not I plan on getting back to my regular Wed posts!!!