By The Flying Pinto

Well, I haven’t posted because I’ve been busy with Hurricane Ike….for those of you who don’t know, I live in TX. Houston, actually. The good news is my family and friends are safe. Lucy and I, along with my Mom who was visiting left for FL on Friday morning. I worked on Thursday, got home late, realized the hurricane threat was real and made the decision to go to bed and stay for the storm. Lucy, for some reason woke up at 5:30 am and I took that as a sign to head to the airport and get on a plane to Tampa. My sister and her family are there. It also happened to be the only flight with available seats….as you know I fly stand by. My husband, a Firefighter, stayed to hold down the fort and take care of our four legged babies.

The not so good news is a tree is lying across our house. Yes, a tree fell on our house while my husband was sleeping. Soooo, we have many holes in our roof and flooding. Thankfully, the chimney stopped it from landing in my bedroom where he was sleeping. It did cause pretty extensive damage and I have no idea what our next move is but as I said everyone is safe and that is all that really matters.

On the funny side, I’ve been practicing The Law of Attraction, and just last week I asked the universe for a “wind fall.” Take a lesson from me, when you ask for something, be specific….I know I will from now on.

…..stay tuned for the pics.



  1. Glad your home and family are safe!! I know what you mean about the Laws of Attraction, I hoped for a rich man and got a blind date with a man named….Richard…

  2. The Flying Pinto @ 2008-09-17 14:39

    Heather, I was wondering where you where…I couldn’t find your e-mail address on your site…anyway, EXACTLY…be VERY specific….that is sooo funny!!

  3. I will let you know how it goes. Did I mention he is moving to JAPAN next month?? Which means it will probably be love at first sight… Should have asked for a wealthy man in my time zone…**knocks head**