By The Flying Pinto

Ahhhhhhh, so much to tell. We are on a much needed vacation, in Plymouth, MA… real home. We are having a great time. Luckily, we planned….and paid for…..this vacation before the hurricane.Our days here consist of a walk to the beach every morning and night and visits with family. It’s been a long few weeks. Once, Lucy and I returned to Houston from my sister’s in FL it was still almost two weeks before we had electricity. I think the hardest part for me was being without the internet!

My poor house has many boo-boos, this is what I told Lucy, so now every time we go by the house she say’s, “house have boo-boo.” We moved into an apartment and the wheels are in motion with our insurance company, our adjuster and getting estimates for the work that needs to be done. I have my moments but I’m optimistic for the most part.We’re extremely lucky people and have had a ton of help from family, friends, and neighbors….a big thank you to all!

As promised here are some pics from that last few weeks. The picture of the rose is from my front yard….after the storm it bloomed, I took it as a good sign!



  1. Free Flying Mom... @ 2008-10-13 00:55

    Hi Sarah,
    I’m visiting with your mom now and she telling me about this tree on your house. I have a chainsaw if you need help with that tree. I cut a lot of wood up here in Vermont. Lucy is very cute, I hope to meet her some day. Douog says Hi and tell Kevin I said Hi.
    Your mom wants me to be a flight attendant. Maybe you could help.

  2. […] to Tampa to escape the hurricane while my husband stayed behind to take care of the animals and the house. The fact that the flight attendant that “quit” was a working flight attendant on my […]