By The Flying Pinto

4am: wake up to get ready for a 7:25am departure

6:26: leave for airport…yes, extremely late.

6:45: arrive at The Parking Spot…yes, we live that close to the airport.

7:00: arrive at the airport….very long line at security…not looking good.

7:05: explain to gate agent that we’re late…we’re checked in…but printer didn’t work so we don’t have boarding passes, therefore unable to be in the short line (baggage check for pax w/ tickets)

7:07: Agent helps us…get tickets, head for long security line…chased down by “bag nazi” who claims we have too many bags. (we have 6 bags, 2 each and Lucy’s car seat) when she sees I am an employee, the harassment gets worse…TSA agent had to explain to her we are right…”bag nazis” day probably ruined!

7:12:through security…ruuuuunnnnn really fast to our gate.

7:16: arrive at our gate to find out the flight is closed…here is my conversation with the gate agent:

Me: “We’re here!”

Agent: “Flights closed.”

Me: “You closed it 9 minutes early?”

Agent: “It’s a head start flight…it’s closed.”

Me: “I thought you could only close a flight 5 early?”

Agent(now speaking to me like I am his child): “It is 5 early…and you know better…you need to be here a lot earlier than this.” (he closed 10 early)

Me: ” It’s only 7:20 right now…and yes, thank you, I know that I need to be earlier. I guess you’ve never been late? But, thanks for the comments.” (couldn’t help it…the “bag nazi” already had my blood boiling, didn’t have time to take it out on her and my biggest pet peeve is to be spoken to like I am 5)

and so the adventure begins….next flight at 11am.

(photo courtesy of: Caribbs photostream at



  1. QzakGirl @ 2009-06-04 14:29

    Boooooo! *thumbs down*

  2. where'veyoubeen @ 2009-06-04 15:07

    I agree! I hate it when people act like they have never been in your shoes. Last time I was trying to commute home on my own airlines, the gate agents in JFK were waiting for 14 miss connecting pax that were not going to make it. they started clearing all of us 5 mins prior. Our own flight attendants wanted to leave us. I guess they weren't commuters. I do everything I can to make sure people getting somewhere get on my flights.

    Hope you get on the next flight out! Enjoy vacation.

  3. Joanna Jenkins @ 2009-06-04 17:42

    Oh man, that stinks! I hope things improve.

    And, I'm glad I'm not the only one cursing the bag nazis. Grrrrrrrrr

    Safe travels.

  4. Yikes!

    The irony of this is that if it were to happen to the baggage nazi or the overzelous gate agent, they would be screaming murder!

  5. Free Flying Mom... @ 2009-06-04 18:17

    Yeah!!!! My babies are on their way home!(to MA) They got on the next flight. I have met a few nasty gate agents myself…it's actually more unusual to get a nice one! Sorry, but it's the truth. It's such a personal thing with them, you may just remind them of some wicked cousin they don't like and nothing else. If it's not me that's getting harassed, it's someone else in line, sometimes even a pax. They better watch out, they don't know who the gate agent at the pearly gates will be!!!

  6. UMPH. dang gate agents. i have a theory that they are the ones that will be at the gates of heaven or hell, whichever. if you can get past them, you can handle anything, lol.

  7. It's too bad that not everybody in the airline industry takes the same steps as you do to ensure customer satisfaction.

    And airline CEO's wonder why airline/airport service ranks near the very bottom on consumer satisfaction surveys…

  8. Mark Lawrence @ 2009-06-05 01:11

    I agree – everyone has always been in perfect time for a flight right??? … between the bag nazi and the gate agent – not fun. Hope the next flight went better!

  9. Sky High Boy @ 2009-06-05 01:36

    ouch, I hope it gets better soon enough!!!
    Gate agents can be lovely yet so painful at times!!

  10. Ohhhhhhhhhhh…….that truly truly sucks.

    But it will all get better from here! Visit the largest frying pan and let me know what it looks like!!

  11. Happy Birthday Sara!

  12. I love airplanes. I love flying. I love seeing new places. And I cannot believe how ugly and uncomfortable the Security Theatre Gods, and the major airlines, have made the experience.

    I hate to say the obvious… but hesitation is not one of my stronger virtues.

    This is the schlepp that your poor paying customers put up with on a daily basis. Small wonder the industry is treated with apprehension. And the crap from the airport and gate staff cascades over so that the cabin crew are thought of as waitresses, and pilots (who used to be one notch below astronaut) are now treated like one notch higher than bus driver.

    And I get the stick from your employers in my role as a customer who has a choice of vendor. I cannot imagine what it must be like to be an employee with a seniority number that is not portable to the next employer.

  13. The Flying Pinto @ 2009-06-13 03:24

    You guys are all awesome: )Like I've said before I always learn something about customer service when I travel and I'm always reminded to treat people nicely.