1. I’m a Uniform Diva because“even though I am required to wear a uniform I still manage to do a little something to make myself stand out from the crowd, whether it’s mixing it up with hair accessories, learning a new way to tie my scarf or a wearing a rockin’ piece of jewelry.”
  2. “How do you balance style with being business appropriate? Has that evolved over the years?” The airline sets guidelines for us to follow as far as what we can and cannot wear to accessorize our uniforms. This makes it simple to decide what is appropriate or not. I would say it has evolved over the years as I’ve gotten more comfortable with my sense of style. I may have “walked the line” a bit more on what may or may not be considered business appropriate in my younger years!”
  3. “Confess! What is your most embarrassing fashion moment?” I will have to give a bit of background information on this moment. Flight attendants and pilots have been known on occasion (mostly pilots) to do what is called “re-purposing” uniform pieces. Well, everyone knows what a flight attendant trench coat looks like right? I made the mistake of passing one too many along over the years to my mom who then found it appropriate to pass along to an aunt. Long story short, we all planned to meet in the city for lunch one day. I don’t remember why and I haven’t a good excuse, but I re-purposed my coat that day. My mom and my aunt apparently think it is cool to dress like a flight attendant and of course showed up in the same coat. My mom even took it a step further and had an old blouse of mine on! Guess who we run into? A flight attendant friend. What are the chances? What do I do? I introduce them as crew and say we’re on a layover of course!
  4. “What is your favorite type of hosiery?” Tights! Hands down. I love the way they feel and look and that I can throw them right in the washing machine. I also like the leg to be at least 12% spandex.
  5. “What is the best way to pair tights with your outfit whether it’s work or play?” I always wear the skirt or the dress option for my uniform so a pair of black tights tie it all together. For play I love a pair of tights with a skirt and a great pair of boots.
  6. “If you could invite any four women to dinner, historical, fictional or current day who would they be?” My younger self, Amelia Earhart, Lucy Stone, and Oprah Winfrey.
  7. “What is the best ‘reclaim your time’ tip you can give your readers?My best way won’t work for most women, I tend to have a hotel room to myself once a week! A bit spoiled as a busy mom! When I’m home I’ve found getting up an hour before my house wakes up has worked for me. It’s quiet and I can meditate and get ready for everything in front of me.
  8. “If you had a theme song what would it be?” Alicia Key’s Superwoman!
  9. “What is your guilty pleasure?” Sleep!
  10. “When I grow up I want to be?” Inspirational

Thank you Hoseanna for the great questions! I would encourage every woman reading this to answer these questions for your self, very mind opening! Remember to make your life easier by signing up for a subscription at Hoseann.com! Oh, and you still have time to enter to win a years subscription by heading over to their Face Book page at Facebook.com/Hoseanna

Want to see how my fellow Hoseanna ambassadors answered the questions? Check them out:

Marathon Mom – Nichelle Pace, Style Mom (http://stylemom.com)
Corporate Rookie – Kat Griffin, Corporette (http://corporette.com/)
Corporate Vet – Natalie MacNeil, She Takes on the World (http://shetakesontheworld.net/)
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  1. I thought for certain that one of the women you would like to have dinner with would be Chelsea Handler! 🙂

  2. […] Diva” Sara Keagle from flight attendant blog, The Flying […]

  3. […] Diva” Sara Keagle from the flight attendant blog, The Flying […]

  4. Ok, about that coat: It actually is a classic style coat and does not look like a “uniform coat.” I hate to be part of your most embarrassing moment, but it was pretty funny, by the way…thanks for the sweater! Now how about some tights???? Everyone appreciates a freebie now and then. LOL

  5. First time to the site so everything about you was new to me. Its funny you mention that sleep was actually your guilty pleasure and at least you do get one full night alone to catch up must be nice.

  6. Thought you might like this link and could blog about perhaps the ones off the list you’ve enjoyed/experienced.

  7. @Sylwia What link?

    @Bluegreen Kirk, Welcome!:)


    @Mom…lol…rationalize it any way it makes you feel better;)