Flight Attendants have special needs when it comes to filing taxes and are allowed certain deductions that could make itemizing well worth it.  The airline gives a flight attendant what’s called per diem. It’s like an expense account. A really small expense account. So small in fact that the government allows us to write off  much more. Which is why it’s to our benefit to seek out a tax professional that specializes in airline crews. Flightax.com is exactly that and it is owned by a flight attendant. Flightax understands how beneficial our per diem deductions are that they will actually look at a flight attendants schedule and get exact allowances for the day and city they were in. The amounts change day to day and city to city and some tax places will just estimate the amounts. An average crew schedule of 80 hours a month can result in as much as $10-$15,000. in deductions!

Per diem is not all that is special to airline crew members.  Flight attendants can also write off  uniform shoes, but only if you purchase them from a uniform store. Union dues? Yes! Ever hear of emergency cab fare deduction? Check it out and much more on flightax.com. Did I mention they’ve never lost an audit?

More questions? Join us on facebook and twitter. And, don’t forget to buy new luggage from Travel Pro using my discount code: theflyingpinto15….and then write it off;)




  1. Thanks! I think that I’ll give it a try this year!

  2. hi. i was just wondering how/where do you submit a question? 🙂 i’d like to.