Category: flight attendants

Flight Attendant Careers

By The Flying Pinto

“”See honey…this is why you need to do well in school. You don’t want to end up like her.” This is what a flight attendant overheard a passenger saying to her young daughter while she was picking up trash. I asked the flight attendant what her response was and she said she chose not to […]


Inflight Report: Life Lessons at 35,000 feet

By The Flying Pinto

1. A crew really does make or break a trip! I worked a hellacious three day trip, but at least I worked with amazing people who were in it with me. (a couple opportunities for bloody marys didn’t hurt either) 2. Reserve flight attendants really do need better protection and sick call rules than line […]


Memorable Flight Attendants of 2010

By The Flying Pinto

Nancy Rivard, an American Flight Attendant started the organization, Airline Ambassadors International,  as a network of airline employees using their pass privileges to help others and it has expanded into a network of students, medical professionals, families and retirees who volunteer as “Ambassadors of Goodwill” in their home communities and abroad. It provides a way […]


Post of Christmases Past

By The Flying Pinto

I lucked out this year and got a great schedule for December. So great that to hold the schedule I got you’d normally have to be flying about thirty years to get anything like it. How did I get it then, you ask? I bid what is called a vacation relief line. A vacation relief […]


Flight Attendant Training Week 6

By The Flying Pinto

As a final step in training, I had to complete my line indoctrination. For those of you who don’t know, a line indoc is a government requirement for any flight attendant trainee before they can receive their competency card and operate a flight. Usually what happens is the airline will put 2 or 3 FA […]


ABC Smart Family and Hotel Valley Ho

By The Flying Pinto

December has been a busy month for me! We finished up our last TV appearance of the month in Pheonix on ABC’s Smart Family. We had such a great time on the show and actually stayed an extra night thanks to Hotel Valley Ho! And, speaking of Hotel Valley Ho today is the last day […]


Flight Attendant Training Week Five

By The Flying Pinto

This week has been a fun and easy week indeed! Since my class has officially graduated, there has no longer been any need for exams or stress. Most of our classes have finished early and it’s generally been a much lighter work load. (No homework! Yay!) That being said it has still been an educational […]


Staybridge Suites and Charlotte Today

By The Flying Pinto

One of my tips for families traveling is to stay at a hotel that offers amenities like a kitchen. They generally run about the same cost as other hotels in their class, yet you save so much money from being able to eat in. I had the pleasure of being hosted by Staybridge Suites in […]


Flight Attendant Training Week Four

By The Flying Pinto

The time has passed so quickly! Can you believe it’s been 4 weeks since I began training?  The week started on Sunday. The company (with permission from our class) decided to give us a short weekend so we could graduate in time for the company Christmas party. Sunday’s class was a refreshing one in the […]


Flight Attendant Training Week Two

By The Flying Pinto

I’ve very much enjoyed myself since training started. Which is good since as I expected, FA Training has indeed killed my social life. In the last week I’ve seen my partner twice, and only for a few hours each time. Outside of class we get a lot of homework, so when I’m home I’m either […]